I always thought the Vieux Campeur was a great shop, shopping there was an expedition. First you had to go all the way accross Paris, then figure out which one of their 15 grouped locations sold the specifics you wished to buy. Then North Face re-invented outdoor gear and wear and offered it all online. But THEN a friend told me about Filson, which has the greatest selection of products. And their field bags are just so elegant. Their products make you wish you lived in the Yukon and went fly fishing and just lived outdoors a lot more.
Plus the original Mr Filson was from Nebraska, the state depicted with great love by Jim Harrisson in "Dalva", so it couldn't get any better!
So in which store can we find Filson? I have a bday gift to give!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's only online, you need to order on the website posted in the links!