I bought the most amazing black canvas bag in NYC last year - great cotton, so simple, so sturdy, perfect feel, perfect size, no label or brand whatsoever, it was instantly a great classic that I would take everywhere - and it cost something like 30$ !
Since there were no labels, I didn't know where it originated from, and had to send a spy in the shop to scout the info for me during his recent NYC trip- and he successfully found the precious info : Rothco military bags!
The website is not very welcoming, its basically a military surplus provider, but damn, the bags are very nice, including the Air Force crew bag and the duffle bags, mine is the "parachute cargo bag"...
Thanks for the shout out, (I think). You can get the bags here:
We focus on manufacturing bags and let our dealers sell them. Fina a local dealer here:
Thanks again.
John Ottaviano
cool, tu aimes les sacs de l'armee de l'air americaine!